Monday, May 16, 2011

An Attitude of Gratitude - How Bad Experiences Bring Your Life Perspective

“If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, ‘thank you,’ that would suffice.”
Today I went to a funeral home. An acquaintance...someone I know through my oldest son Julian's hockey, was tragically killed in an accident. This was the mother of a former teammate of Julian's. I didn't know her that well but I would talk to her at games, make funny faces at her infant daughter and her husband was one of the coaches.

All I know is that she was "hit by a train". I don't have any more information than that. I am not sure I will ever know the details, but in any case I am in shock. Here is a lovely person...a fellow mom...and in the blink of an eye she is gone. I was OK as I walked amongst the other visitors at the viewing...looking at the pictures of her...sadly smiling at strangers who all had one thing in common. They all were in a bit of a fog about the whole thing. They were all wondering "Why?"

People die every day. But when someone is killed in an instant - whether in an accident or by their own actions, everyone who knew them - family, friends, acquaintances - are changed in some way.

My sweet baby Drew at 2 months
I cried all the way home. I blew my diet for the day by downing a large sugary, cold coffee beverage to numb the numbness (if that makes any sense). But when I saw my three boys after I returned home I held them a little tighter. I told them I loved them a few more times than usual. I stared into the big, brown eyes of my baby as he snuggled in my arms. His hand was gently on my cheek as I sung him to sleep and the numbness turned to an intense awareness of the present moment. The love was overwhelming. The gratitude was grounding.

Death is part of life and it sucks. But the perspective it gives us is important. Life is sweet. The future is gone, tomorrow will never arrive, but today is a gift. That is why they call it the present.

Enjoy your children. Dance to your favourite music. Eat wonderful food. Comfort those who are grieving. But pay close attention as it is happening. This moment is all we really have for sure.



Suggested Reading

Fare For Friends: Why We Need Our Gals
For Crying Out Loud!
Your Lonely Addiction

The Benefits of Gratitude
How to Start a Gratitude Journal


  1. It is so true Lora! Gratitude is the key! Love this! Thanks! I am really enjoying your blog. Are you a professional writer?

  2. Cute baby by the way.

  3. Thanks! I am very thankful for our little Drew.

    As for my writing, I have done a fair bit of business writing and am now doing a little freelance writing and blogging. So technically, I guess I am, but I have never been a full-time professional writer. Maybe one day! :) Thanks for reading!

  4. You have been making me reconsider how I look at my life. I always want more and yet I have so much. I think I need to be more mindful of this every day.
