Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Leading with my Top 5 Values - Part 2

"Your huge. And can move the pieces around. You can take pieces out and put new ones in. Puzzles are...well...puzzling. But keep plugging away. It is amazing the wonderful image you can create!"
 - Lora Rossi

I didn't know there was going to be a Part 2 to my Leading with my Top 5 Values post, but you never know how things are going to unfold. Especially when you are living and leading according to your values!

I talked about family and friends, health, authenticity, helping / giving / kindness and positive creativity. I also mentioned things like the law of attraction. And I also mentioned a leadership coach and emotional intelligence expert - Steve Gutzler.

Steve Gutzler

So this post is an example of how leading with your values moves you gently forward in the most wonderful and often unexpected ways.

Steve, who had already prepared his blog piece for this week - which happens to go live every Tuesday - read my post and realized it was in line with the teachings of his blog post. And so, he kindly linked up my blog post to his. See how my values of friends, helping/giving/kindness and positive creativity are in play here? See how I am reaping what I sow? And see how it is having a ripple effect?

Steve's Playing Big blog series is a nice accompaniment to this whole topic of leading with values. After all...he is the one that really got me thinking about it in the first place!

So I invite you all to take a closer look at his series...starting with his current one called The Whisper.

Links to each post of rest of his blog series to date (including the one I just gave you in case you missed it!), can be found below:

Steve Gutzler's Blog on Playing Big & Emotional Intelligence  

Playing Big Part 1 - Emotions Drive Behavior

Playing Big Part 2 - Leading Yourself with Emotional Intelligence

Playing Big Part 3 - The Healthy Mind Diet

Playing Big Part 4 - We're NOT Victims, We're Survivors!

Play Big! Emotional Intelligence for Extraordinary Leadership

What Makes a Good Leader? 

How to Manage Emotional Hijacking...Sleepless in Seattle

The Whisper

I wanted to share these thoughtful insights with you because they have helped me along my journey and I'm thinking they may be of interest to you as well!

And as a side note - yes I am working with Steve on some projects with his charity Caompassion2One, but no, I am not being paid nor have I been asked to endorse or promote him and/or his business. I am simply passing along info that has been helpful to me.

Giving. Helping. Yup! In line with my values!

Play Big!



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