Saturday, December 10, 2011

My 1st, 2nd, 3rd Article for Such-and-Such...Explained

Howdy readers!

I want to start this little posty-post on my little bloggy-blog by saying I am sorry.

I am sorry for all of these posts that are entitled "My First, Second, Third, etc., etc., Article for This-Such-And-Such-Magazine-Or-Website!"

I don't mean to annoy or come off as a shameless, self-promoting narcissist.

I really hope you don't see me this way.

I just want to explain something.

If you know me well - and some of you do, but some of you don't - you know that I am someone who has taken a pretty major leap from full-time, secure, executive-level work to a leisurly life of being a full-time mother of three young boys and giving what energy I have left to a new career in freelance writing.

(If you did not catch the slightly sarcastic tone of the word "leisurely", I am spoon-feeding it to you now.) 

I wish this were my bed sometimes.

This blog has morphed into both a place to share my ponderings and musings as well as a hub to share articles, guest blog posts and what-have-yous that I have had published and/or re-published.

I'm more than a Mommy Blogger...really I am!

I really don't know why I feel the need to apologise for what it is that I post here on The Hugging Home. I guess I kinda, sorta care about how I am perceived by my readers. And I guess I kinda, sorta am getting annoyed with myself!

"Hi me! I love you, but you can be a tad annoying!"

But I am going to keep on wagon-training...and I am going to keep on writing...and I am going to keep on telling you about the latest article I had published. Even if it is something that you may have already read here first.

I said "wagon-training" so I thought a picture of a wagon would be fitting. Maybe not so much now that I look at it. Oh well.

Because this is my blog. And this is my sharing place. And I am kinda proud of the fact that over the past several months people have actually been coming to me, asking for my writing contributions.

And it has lead me to a few very interesting places. And I choose to assume that if I keep on keeping will continue to surprise me.

So there you have it.



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