Sunday, January 13, 2013

With Change Comes More Change

"To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly."
 - Henri Bergson

As some of you may or may not know, I am returning to full-time work outside of the home.

Yup! This is exactly what I plan to look like! a few days!

I will tell you more about my job in a later post...I have to learn more about it myself! - but some people have asked me what will become of my blog.

What with a full-time job, three, active, young boys and everything else in my life, how will I find time to keep up with The Hugging Home?

Well...with change comes more change.

Not really what I meant by "change", but in this case...also true!

I find that when you make any major change in your it changing jobs, having a (or another) child, changing your marital or relationship status (and no, not just on Facebook!), la la la...then many other changes naturally follow suit.

I will follow THIS suit anywhere you want David!

In my case...the regularity with which I post here on my blog will most likely change.

But writing will remain a part of my life...I think...probably forever. It will just be a matter of writing when I have some time and when the spirit moves me.

Initially, I think I will aim for one post/week. Perhaps I will find that I can do a few more...or maybe that will be too this is my starting point.

Since my life will be taking some serious turns this year, I expect to naturally have some different life experiences to pull from, so I will certainly want to capture some of that on a page (or screen) somewhere, knowing me.

But when I am at work, I will be focusing on work and much of my time at home will be focused on my family...and I am determined to take better care of myself this year by eating better and moving time will be tight.

But I have learned a few things about myself.

Firstly, I find that the busier I am, the more I tend to accomplish. If I know I have all day to do something, I may just put it off until tomorrow...and then the next day...etc, etc.

But if I know I only have THIS hour to get a workout in (for example), then I am more likely to do it THEN. Not tomorrow...because I may not have an hour tomorrow.

Secondly, I know that writing is PART of HOW I take care of myself.

I need to keep the creative juices flowing or else I feel that something very important in my life is on that note, I am pretty sure I will keep it up.


Things may be a little slower here at The Hugging Home...but I am not shutting 'er down. I will only ever do that when I feel the blog is no longer serving me at all.

And I don't see that happening any time soon.



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